CFP®, AIF®, advisor, Endurance Capital

Meet Chad Sutton, CFP®, AIF®, Financial Advisor, Endurance Capital

Chad believes building trust and doing what’s best for clients are the keys to strong, successful relationships.

Pana and Taylorville, IL
Business Model:
Dual Registration

After his grandmother had a dissatisfying experience with her financial advisor, Chad consulted with a college professor who encouraged him to enter the industry. Now, he thrives on creating long-lasting relationships and navigating clients through market turmoil.



So, I was in college. I was a junior and I was studying in finance, and my grandma was working with a financial advisor at that time. He recommended a lot of portfolio changes, and she took those changes, and my dad and his brothers got those confirmations, gave them to me.

I took them off to college, worked with a professor of mine— who was a close friend and a mentor— and he said you'd be a really good advisor because you understand the numbers, but you also understand people and you're always going to do what's best.

So, that's why I became an advisor back in 2007. Markets are down and, again, people are worried, right? I enjoy that challenge to get them realigned to their goals. I enjoy that challenge of saying, you know, we talked about this.

We understood markets don't always move up. They also move down. But does this down market change our goals? And I love these conversations because that's when things get emotional, and that's really when we start teasing out the real goals that they have and the big emotions that they have towards those goals.

And that creates strong, successful relationships, long term.

The views and opinions expressed by this financial advisor are as of the date of the recording. These views may not be representative of the views of other financial advisors. Working with an advisor does not guarantee future performance or success. 

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